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Camping 2024: more and more, more and more crowded

Camping has long since become a mass movement. This has led to significant impairments that contradict the original idea of this form of vacation. The spontaneity that once made traveling so appealing has fallen by the wayside. Without long-term reservations, vacation trips with a motorhome are hardly possible anymore, which is why a neighbor has already reserved his pitch on the Spanish Costa Brava. Not for this year, but for 2025.

Fortunately, however, there are more and more farms that have set up overnight accommodation for campers on part of their land. In Italy they are called agriturismo, in France the municipal camping sites that can be found in many places are an attractive and inexpensive alternative to the mega facilities and leisure machines at the tourist hotspots. Not only have these become increasingly expensive in recent times, but the motorhomes themselves have also increased in price by 25 to 30 percent over the past four years.

In terms of overnight prices, Croatia is the European leader with an average of 69 euros, Italy has moved up to second place with 65 euros and Switzerland is in third place with around 59 euros. (aum/mk)

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Photo: Autoren-Union Mobilität/Michael Kirchberger
