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Discussion formats for more exchange with suppliers

For the 12th International Suppliers Fair (IZB) in Wolfsburg from October 22 to 24, 2024, Volkswagen will intensify its presence at the trade fair with theme-oriented stands. So-called Volkswagen Group Hubs will serve as platforms for an exchange between Volkswagen, companies from the automotive supplier industry and other partners.

Volkswagen is planning hubs in four key areas:

In the "Interior & Exterior" area in Hall 1, the focus will be on aspects of the circular economy in vehicles and supplier conditions for the closed loop.

In the "Electronics & Connectivity" hub in Hall 3, issues relating to the software-defined vehicle approach of the future will be discussed and application scenarios for cloud-based Car2X functionalities and the benefits for the customer will be explored in greater depth.

In the "Powertrain & Battery" product group in Hall 5, the focus will be on the topic of transformation - from the combustion engine to electromobility - and the battery system of the future.

The "Metal, Body & Chassis" hub in Hall 6 will focus on three key issues: the transition to decarbonization in the materials aluminium and steel, prototype-free development and the efficient body construction of the future. (aum)

Further links: Volkswagen-Presseseite

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Photo: Autoren-Union Mobilität/Volkswagen (Archivfoto: Luftbild der IZB 2022)
