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Supporting the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy

As part of its "Future Germany 2050" initiative, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) wants to work together with experts from research, industry, politics and society to find possible solutions for a successful hydrogen ramp-up in Germany. VDI energy expert Professor Michael Sterner, who is also a member of the German government's National Hydrogen Council, says: "We want to help accelerate the ramp-up of hydrogen and its derivatives."

As an independent and non-partisan member organization, the VDI aims to provide strategic impetus for Germany's future. "Far too often, our society is highly polarized. We need more technological expertise in the economic policy debates in this country," says VDI President Prof. Lutz Eckstein. "Our aim is to make discussions more objective and show concrete ways in which Germany can continue to position itself as a leading business and technology location in the future." (aum)

Further links: VDIK-Presse

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