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Articles for tag Lamborghini

4 articles found for tag Lamborghini


cenews – March 21, 2024. Last year, the brand delivered 10,112 sports cars and achieved a record profit of over 720 million euros. The margin was a record-breaking 27.2 percent.

„Centauro“ nennt der Künstler Paolo Troilo die von ihm gestaltete Ducati Streetfighter V4 Lamborghini Speciale Clienti.

cenews – February 2, 2024. The owner of a Huracán Evo designed by Paolo Troilo also had his Streetfighter V4 Lamborghini Speciale Clienti transformed into a rolling work of art.

Lamborghini Huracán Evo Spyder.

cenews – January 16, 2024. Last year, the Audi subsidiary delivered more than 10,000 cars worldwide for the first time. Almost a third of these went to the USA. China in third place.

Gemeinsam mit der Konzernschwester Lamborghini entwickelt Ducati die Vehicle-to-Vehicle-Technologie weiter, um Motorrad fahren sicherer zu machen.

cenews – September 18, 2023. Together with Lamborghini, new V2V technologies are being developed to mitigate the most critical and common accident situations in collisions with passenger cars.