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Articles for tag VW

4 articles found for tag VW

Volkswagen-Kampagne „YourWagen“.

cenews – May 3, 2024. Volkswagen is launching a new global marketing campaign in the UK tomorrow. The campaign focuses on true stories of people and their VW.

VW-Markenchef Thomas Schäfer bei der Bilanzpressekonferenz 2024.
By Guido Reinking

cenews – March 14, 2024. Wolfsburg is pressing ahead with electric cars in particular. However, an entry-level model for around 20,000 euros is not in sight until 2027, while the ID 2 is expected to cost around 25,000 euros.


cenews – January 9, 2024. Last year, sales increased by 6.7 percent compared to 2022. Over a fifth more electric cars sold. The T-Roc is the brand's most successful SUV in Europe.

Bidirektionales Laden mit dem Volkswagen ID 5 GTX.

cenews – December 6, 2023. ID family launches with bidirectional charging. "Vehicle to Home" function can make an important contribution to sustainability. Pilot project in Sweden.