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Articles for tag Iveco

4 articles found for tag Iveco

Iveco e-Daily.

cenews – June 5, 2024. The focus of the potential collaboration is an electric panel van for Europe and South America below the Daily. Supply contract with Hyundai for a chassis.

Magirus Drehleiter.

cenews – March 14, 2024. The Munich-based company Mutares, which already has a stake in Peugeot Motocycles, takes over the manufacturer of firefighting vehicles and fire protection technology. 2023 with losses.

Unterzeichneten den Vertrag zur Lieferung eines elektrischen leichten Nutzfahrzeugs (v.l.): Hyundai-Präsident Jaehoon Chang, Ken Ramirez (bei Hyundai zuständig für Nutzfahrzeuge), Iveco-Chef Gerrit Marx und Luca Sra, bei Iveco zuständig für das Nutzfahrzeuggeschäft.

cenews – February 1, 2024. The van is based on the new e-LCV platform. Chassis and cab are adapted to market requirements in Europe. Premiere at the IAA Transportation.

Zur Olympiade werden zehn gebrauchte Iveco Crossway mit Technik von Toyota zu Brennstoffzellenbussen umgebaut.

cenews – October 19, 2023. Toyota supplies the technology for Iveco's vehicles. Diesel engine is replaced by electric motor. After the competitions, they will continue to be in Paris in the ice set.