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Nine countries and 913.5 kilometers on one battery charge

Entrepreneur Umit Sabanci has set two world records for electric cars with a Lucid Air Grand Touring: He drove through nine countries on one battery charge, covering a distance of 913.5 kilometers. Sabanci and his two passengers started in Schilberg in the Netherlands and drove through Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein to Italy. There, the mission to cover most of the countries on one battery charge was achieved after 19.5 hours of driving. But because there was still enough energy left, the trio drove on to Como, where they parked the Lucid Air Grand Touring after 913.5 kilometers to charge the battery.

During the ride, the team collected donations for the organization "Guy's Cancer Charity". In total, more than 6000 pounds (approx. 7800 euros) were raised. (aum)

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Entrepreneur Umit Sabanci set a new record for electric cars together with two other drivers in a Lucid Air Grand Touring.

Entrepreneur Umit Sabanci set a new record for electric cars together with two other drivers in a Lucid Air Grand Touring.

Photo: Autoren-Union Mobilität/Lucid


Entrepreneur Umit Sabanci (center) set a new record for electric cars with Misha Nahorny and Ian Joyson as additional drivers in a Lucid Air Grand Touring.

Entrepreneur Umit Sabanci (center) set a new record for electric cars with Misha Nahorny and Ian Joyson as additional drivers in a Lucid Air Grand Touring.

Photo: Autoren-Union Mobilität/Lucid
